Guinevere is 8 minute selection from an epic, 90 minute, dark and brooding music meditation on Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot, Merlin, Morgan Le Fey, Maleagant and the many other characters of the Arthurian Romances. CIrca 1983.

This section features the March to Battle, The Conflict between the Forces of Good and Evil) and the Lament of the Dead. (All very Star Warish – though set in the early Middle Ages). A conglomeration of medieval music, electric rock and classical music. All done with my Teac 8 track tape recorder, Lyricon, Arp 2600, Oberheim, and Crumar synths, presynths and sequencers. All analog.

One day I may forge through the other 70 minutes to find out what is salvageable.

Painting by James Henry Draper